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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 3

The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 3

Burlington, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY FREE PRESS SEPT. 17 1862. ft ntdtaf mi Jametrtrer braging 2)00 faroled atssaaers BEALTH, HEALTH, HEALTH. J7EST GDITIMJ UasWlliV Wile HrWKKV CREAM sULERATCS. Oat kcn fair half leosw wm terrible srhea the camay ON war mi af that aorticm oi tit ride.

Em kilted by Miaie ball. AwM(4frM UsrrsJmrga of yesterday as A aeamwca reeatvea as Deal quarters states that Jecksoa hat re crossed tM Potomac sad Gear McClelka eagaced him with toeauaiou fbree this mde of Sharptburfib. aad tec miles fam that place. TIm whole rebel army is llarjiaad will be annihilated or captured this sight. No rebels eu be foand aboat ilageretowa ad WUliamsport, and bom two miles oa the otber aide of the Potomac.

Ramon of skimishes with the rebels pre-nil in Cincinnati. It ii ow ascertained that tb rebel have act advanced, as reported. Thevars repra ssstad as emtrsaehiag aoath ot They have been joined by HrapJwey Mar bail. TIM reneis uoekaded tbe river oo Monday at Hamilton. At Munfordsville, yesterday.

portion of Gas. Baell'a army was reported to bees. gsgea wiib uen. wafg'a luroea. Iks Pennsylvania reserves ac-ended the mountain aad nude an attack upon the en aay kit Here as in the case on the other ridge of the mooataia.

our troon wars anooeaifal. driving tbe eocmy before theai with great slaughter, ibe reoeis sunvred here more than at any point of the battle field. Geo. Hateh commanding a diriiion ander Gn. Hooker, was wounded in tbe leg.

General Gibbon's brigade com posed of the 2nd, 6th, and 7th Wisconsin and 19th lad. regiments, were ordered to move bp tne gorge ot tbe moan tain. The brigade did not get into action till after dark, which lasted till 9 o'clook. The brigade lost 120 killed and wounded. Among the dead is Cap.

Cadwell of the 2d WisoooBin. Bad oar troops had 2 boat longer of day light, the greater portion of tbe rebel army would bare been captured prisoners, as they were surrounaea on tnree etaes, tne only moae oi escaping using a narrow aeweta tbe mountain which the artillery would soon have made impassable. Among tbe rebel officers known to have been killed were Gen. Gerund of Leeeburg, and Col. Strong of tbe 19th Virginia.

Gen MoClellan was on the field daring tbe whole day and night, commanding all movements in person. Between 1,200 and 1,500 prisoners were taken during the day, most of them by the troops under Gen Hooker. Monday Gen. Franklin's corps advanced to a mountain pass sis miles nearer Harper's Ferry, where he engaged the enemy, holding that pass for about three hours, resulting in a complete rout of the enemy and heavy loss. Our loss in the action was about 250 killed and wounded.

The rebel loss during the day and night was luiiy aiueu, wounaeu ana miss int. Gen. Lee acknowledged to the citisens of Boonsboro that they bad been defeated with terrible loss. Our loss in killed and wounded will, probably reach 3,000. We lost but tew prisoners.

The dead body of the rebel Gen. Garland was found concealed in one of the wagons captured by the party of cavalry between llagarstovra ana wiuiamsp isport. Bragging will never end this war. Neither will croaking, will but fighting. bomvm Journal, No more puny children, decayed teeth, or yellow bread, if you will nee Herrick Allen's Gold Medal Saleratus.

is nothing equal to it. It is far superior to toda to use with cream tartar. Bread or Biscuit, raised by it is more easily digested tban any other Try one paper, and you will not fail to use it ever alter, nave tne uoia jueaai or none. Grocers and Druggists keep it. Married.

InAlbnrgh, Sept. 10th, by Rev. H. N. Hunger, Mr.

A. 3. Desman, of Colchester, to MUi Mary I.Mott,of Died. In Burlington, Sept. 17, of heart disease, Geo.

E. laid, aged 31 years. AHf MALB or FEMALE AGENTS UUWJUU TO SELL LLOYlt'd NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COL OREO MAP OF THS UNITED STATES, CAN ADAS aad NEW BRUNSWICK. From iceeat lurrejl, completed Aug. 10, 186); eort S20.000 to escrave tt aad oas tar's time.

Superior to anv $10 nap ever made by Coltoa Miwta.ll, and sails at the lowprieeof fifty rati; 170,000 names are engravM on tnis map, It ii not only a County Map, but it Ii alio a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of tne United States aad Caaadas eombintd in one, giving EVERY RAILROAD STATION and diitaoes between. Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 par day, and will take back all maps bat cannot be sold aad reread the moot. Bond for $1 worth to try. Printed Instruetiont how to canvass well, far nlihed all our agents. Wanted A smart man, as Wholesale Agent for onr Mapi in evety State, Canada, England and California.

A forlane may be made with a small capital. J. T. LLOYD, So. 164 Broadway, Mew York.

The War Department asee oar Map of Virgin la, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, eoet $100,000, on woich Is marked Thoroughfare Gap, Ball Una 8eneee Creek, Milbrook Mills, No land's Ford and all oa the Po'omao, sad svery plaee in Maryland, Virginia, and Penaiyl. esala, or money refunded. Pries 35 cent. From the Ttlbone, Aug. 2.

Mat or Viaeisu, MaarLaan, a Pass-iVlvaria. We have received from i. T. Lloyd, No. 164 Bioadway, New York, a copy of bli Map ef Virginia, Maryland, and PenailvaaU, eemeted no to 1841.

inm nnni Ospuia Powell of V. 8. TopegrapUml Ea-iaeen. The Man Is very Urge; its eort Is bat zeemts, aad wtoisretM wMrtcaasi I can pwtkttd'" 9t 'V. of ndudmg ofaeere, tesjaetets, satlen i Uaebaiths.

icTJseseated that the aamber af asrolsd prisoners at the camp Is betweeei 8000 aad 1 1. OU0. a waiting an exchange. There are about 2000 sick and wounded ut tbe hospital. The Goveraor states that 72JM0 asea have reefwooed to his call for the defeace of the State, aad that eipects that the aamber will be increased to 100,000.

XOTToaK.8ent.17. By private advices from Washingtoa. re. eeivea this city, it is kaowa that aotbing wnatever bad been heard front Gee. Model.

Lta, later thaa waspnated in tbe morning papers. Tbe Grest Eebellisa. nw-aa-M BY J. T. IIEADLET, svy-wb or SArouos ASS BIS VABSBALS, STC riiuu WORK is saw fertd to the ettistas M.

91 aarllutoa mat vimnitv km MAiMfii. ajr. It will as a asadtoawly printed book, mM AAA eooiawiaf mere It SIXTY 6TSEL KiiaRAVIMua. tku wmi, Md aaadassMly bomadia VOL. I briuia tha biator Aomw.

A tlM i before Kiobaot4 1U as deliftmd immfm VOL. Ii eompl.tiof tba kUtory will muv M7 wMr h. mom mm war. AsseiusMis of this plaea will as ealbd asoa i.saauiAav, Aft for Barlbat, WiUiaau A a Pabliiban. Sept.

17. 4iot LUST. ALABOK Brsm Doorkey. The aader wUI be saitably rewarded by leaving it at this ofies. dst GOUEY'i LADY'S BOOK for October sale at For eransoios's.

Sept. 16, 1862. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, for October. Jai received and for sate bv received aad for sale by E. A.

FULLER. Sept 17, 1862. Hew Hillinery Store. MRS. GUARD RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies of Bar.

Ilngton and vicinity, that she ass opened rooms oa the comer of CHURCH AND COLLEGE STREETS, over the Book atore of C. O. French With a fall and aew stock of Millinery Goods. where the hopes to see her former friends, and at in want of aay thing la her line. Entrance oa College Street.

Borliegton, Sept. 16, 162. dim TOWN HALL! POSITIVELY FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Twceday am4 Weaaeeday Bvealage, leal, loth mm lTlb, 1882. REYNOLDS, BURGESS, THOMAS AND NEWCOMBS' Minstrels, and Rrass Rand.

fflBISComntavif eomMead of DODnUr Stars. A ererv member of which bas been selected for his sterling merits, and will appear as above, In-trodaeinz an entire tew selection of the lata etmi or ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. See Posters and Programme. Doors open at 7 10 oommenee ai s. J.

D. NEWC0MB, Mtntgtr. Sept. 15, 1862. d2t ARMY NOTICE.

U. S. MusTBftixa aid DiiBuesma Orvics, BntusaTos, Sept. IS, 1862. EALED PROPOSALS will be reeeived st thi effice until 10 o'clook, A.M.

on the 21th tint, for farniihing uncooked rations for about Fivs Thousand troops, while encamped at BratU.boro, Vermont. The ration will be that speeifled in tbe Bubiii- teoee Regulations, eabjast to eertain modifieationa aa directed therein, to be approved of by the com' mending: officer of the oamo. The ration! muit be of tbe beet quality, and the contract will be given to the looeat retpontible bidder, the underaigned reserving tbe right to re ject any proposal for good ana tuDoient cause. TberopomIs will be opened at tbe tine and plaee specified, and bidden bave the privilege ol being relent. A bond of a proper amount will be required for me laiiniui perroimanee or tne eootraot.

WILLIAM AUbTINV, Major V. S. Army, Mustering sad Disbursing umoer. dit SOLDIERS, ATTEND I fTIHE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE IN A iuranee Company, of Boston, off. greater Induotmente to those soldiers who wiah to protect their familes against the cawalties or war tban bsvs sver been offered before.

Full nartienlarf. eireolare and policies, can be oowinea or tbe aadertigsed. CUAKLK9 J. AtiUJtH, Lifs Insurance Agent Sept. 12, 1862.

tf NEW BOOKS. LAST POEMS, by Mrs. Brownlon, for mle by aarRENCt. avo. WOOLEN YARN.

mrniTE. Brb. Mind. Pearlet. Yarn.

last received and for sale by EDWARD BARLOW. August 29th, 1812. dswtf I iUthis.ardb. I as patef with as etbsr. u.

i OAai Seat. a. ELGIN SPRING WATER EPT eeaataaUy ea head, at Vs. 4 Baak Block, C. L.HARI.

iaaeU. CLOTHING. rwBM aadersigasd having fctstad a Ca-aartaar-M mip. bog Iws to saamaaa to the CUiseaatif Ssvtiagua last aw have antelly aa aaad a argaaiasrtaiiataf Jtfs-ly (HotliiDgj, Brary Kind, Quality snd Vrloe, msd to ear twa order and wanaatol to give CALL ASD EXAXIXB AT TQK CLGTIIIXG IIALL, RISK ELCCK. Alas ea hand a large stock of LACr mi FANCY CA8UEHCRK8.

siA used JmB aW. VESTING 8, COAT' INQS sad GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods We shall be haonv to reeriva Men for at msaefaetars of Clothing af all kiads for wbish we eaagaaraattoeart astosMrs the Utmt ptumu, tht Ut aulsrisf, sad lit aunt tiiUful wtrkwuHtkif. COLVKEATUBK. Baak Block, BurUngtoa. 6apt 9th, 1862.

MANHOOD; SOW LOST I HOW RESTORED I Jwt PmUukti a seaM Enpttrf, A LECTURE ea the Natan, Traetatent, sad stadieal Cars of eoeraiatorrbna. ae Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emiiaiooa. Sexual Dabll. ity, and Impediments to Marriags generally, Ner-voasaess, CoaeamsUoa, Epilepsy sad Fits, Mental Payeieal iaeapsMty, raealtiag from Self-Abase, A a.

By Roar. J. CctVLawaLL. M. Author of the Oram B-k, ABeea Tfcoasaaae af SaaTsrara, Seat aader seal, la a plain envelope, dieea pt ptid em receipt of six to aay ad- crate, or two poetage (stampa, by Dr.

CO. J. O. KLINE, lai oowery, aew xors, rost vaoe Box, case. Aug.

8. dawSmis CO-PARTNERSHIP. WB THE UNDIRSIGBED have tbU day formed a eo-asrtaarahw aadat the aaaa Mid style of ColTer Tnrk or the purpoas of earryiag ea the LOTHING TBADE, ut au its BtaacBes. Mas. aad 9 Baak Black, JOSEPH COLTER, LOUIS fl.

TURK; dawlw. Burlington, Sept 6, 1862, ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. THE underelgned, at his office, will furnlth to reiidenU of Burliaaton and Colah.ur in blank, tbe lorms of application for License." notice by Maoaraeturere," Manufaeturer's Monthly Saturn." and sues other aa an nmmww ia conformity to tbe requirements of the laws of tbe United States relating to direct and excise taxes. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAW. EXCISE TAX See.

67. And ft. aT turthtr eaachrf. That Am. and after tha Brat dsy of September, eighteen hundred and slzty-two, no person, anooiation of persons, corporation, shall be engaged in, prosecute, or oarry on, either of the trades or cceapt-tioas mentioned ia atetiea sixty-four of this act Mw mm umj muhi uutw ootainau a iieanse therefor in the manner hertinalter provided.

Sec 68. Aad it fituhtr acted. That every p.rion, anociation of persona, partnnrahlp or cor-poratloa, deitgning to obtain a license to engage la any o( the trade, or occupations named In tba sixty-fourth section of this set, shall regiiterwlth tbe aaiisttat saaeMor of tbe assaMment district In which be shall deiign to oarry oa such trade or ooeupation nrst, nia or their name or style; sod In ease of an association or partnership, tbe names ot the several persons constituting lush aieaeia-tion or pertnernbip end their plaees of rMbJeaeei second, the trade or ooeapatioa for whfeh a leeasa isdetirad; third, ths plsce where such trade or ooeupation is to be earr ad on; fourth, tf a rectifier, tbe number of barrels he designs to rectify: if a peddler, whether be designs to travel oa foot, or with ona, two or more horses if an inn keeper, tbe yearly rental ot tbe bouse sad property to be occupied fur laid purpose; or, if aot rented, tbe aiaiatant assessor shall value ths sua. All of whleh faeta shall be returned duly certified by mch assistant Msenor, both to tba umim oolleotorof tbe district; and upon pay went to the collector or deputy cull etor of tba dlttrict tbe amount as hereinafter provided, oeh collector or deputy collector shall m.k.out snd deliver a license for such trade or eesnDetion. which lioenaa shall continue la foros for oas veer, at the place or premises described therein.

Sec 69. And it it fmtktr macttd, That if any parson or penons iball exercise or carry on any trade or buiinenl hereinafter mentioned for the exarebiag carrying ea of which trade or business a liosnas ie required by this set, without taking cat snob licenas ss in that behalf required, he, the, or they shall, for amy such off.nos, respectively forfeit a penalty equal to three liases tbe amount of the duty or sum of money imposed for inch license, one moiety thereof to the tile of the United States, the other moiety to lac ass of the parens who, If a collector, shall firat dissuver, aad if otber than a eolieotor, shall firat give la-formation of lbs fact whereby said lorfsiturs ws incurred. W. STRONG, Assist AsMssor for Burlington aad Cokhetter. SsptS, 1662.

diot STRAY COW, LEFT ths pstturs near the Coitom Hoass, yes-terdsy morning, a le ge, red lined back Cow, ve years old. Whoever will willobllge G. D. ELLKR. Bept.

16tb, 1862. Chureh Street NORTH AMERICA, by Aaothory sale by HUNIaNGTON By 'Jfelegrapb To the Free Press. From Uaryland. iiebels near the Potomac. A BATTLE GOING ON YESTERDAY.


Release of Union Prisoners. Baliikoss, Sept. 10. Gen. Langs treet is killed and his body is at Middletown.

Gen. Hill is wounded and a prisoner. Oar victory is regarded as one of the greatest of the war. New York, Sept. 17.

The Times has a special dispatch from Hugerstown, stating that two portions of the rebel army have united this side of the Po tomac to the number of 70,000. Another dispatch dated at P. states that a battle is reported going on all the afternoon, result unknown. The Jime special account of the battle states that Longstreet was killed and Hill captured. The Herald has some statements from wounded officers of Hatch's brigade, among which are the following At the charge on the heights tbe rebels stood till our troops were distant about 30 rods, when they open ed a deadly fire upon thtm, and fell back a short distance.

Our men soon recovered their line and were ordered to a second charge. Notwithstanding the disadvantages of the pursuit, up an almost perpendicular steep amid rocks and underbrush the men pushed on with menace to their adversaries, to whom they this time applied the bayonet with vigor. This had the effect to put them to flight in disorder. Another charge and the enemy were driven beyond the peak of the height, into an open space affording them no shelter except a low stonewall. Behind this they took refuge from the galling fire of General Hatch's men.

That officer perceiving this movement, dashed along his line and shout "Boys, you must drive them from that place." With a yell which sent terror into tbe rebel ranks a fourth charge was made and after a feeble resistance at the stonewall, the rebels scattered like sheep leaving the ground strewn with dead and wounded. Another offioer of the Staff of Gen. Hatch states that Gibbon's battery, supported by tbe infantry of his brigade, successfully si lenced the batteries of the rebels at the Gap beyond Middletown, on Sunday, and 9 pieces rebel artillery were captured, with many prisoners. Our informant says there werett least 3000 rebel prisoners taken by us. Waihwoton, Sept.

17. A gentleman from Annapolis states that three transport arrived there yesterday from 1 Cattle czzt per's Perry. TEBBIBLE FIGHT ING. The Rebels Trying to cross me niver. PaiLADKLrau Sept.

17. Fhe Sultom has the following special die patch: At fbgerstowa this morning, heavy firing wss coMtaMly heard la the direction of Bar per's Ferry, but bo definite information from that quart.r had been received. It is sup-Doeed that tbe rebels are making a most desperate push to reach Williamsport and get across the Potomac. A Union scout who left the battle field at 11 this morning has reached Hagerstown He reports that the fighting has been per fectly terrific. The rebels bare been deeper.

ately bard pressed by our army. A force was detached from the Union army to destroy tbe Williamsport bridge, or to block the ferry over tbe Potomac at that point. The rebels are supposed to be retreating. Kcatiay August 4th, ttZl CST RECEIVED a ew Lot of doable BLACK SILKS, PLAID SHAWLS, ALEXANDER'S KID OLOVES, DRAB AND PURPLE VEILS, PEARL FANS, ee, ft. tbe Coaata Sroaa, LYMAN'8.

LEAD PENCILS. BLACE, RED, BLUE aad GREEN. Also, White and Colortd CRAYONS, for Artists aad Heobanles. while and Colored CKAYONS for Schools a complete aawrtintnt for aale at Sept 6, 1862. LOOK, LOOK, LOOK.

PRB3H GROUND OAT-MEAL, this day re oeivedet C. L. HART'd, Baak Block. Sept. DRUMS, DRUMS, DRUMS, ALL SIZES of Drums this dsy reeeived, cheap for cash.

O.LUART. No. 4 Bank Block. A CHOICE assortment of Autograph and Pho lo graph Albums, this dsy reosived at HUNTINGTON'S. Sept 1862.

SUGARS, SUGARS, SUGARS. NOW cheaper than eaa he expected. Call and see. 0. L.

HART, No. 4 Bank Block. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. WHB largest assortment, the haadsomest, A most desirable and tbe latest 8tyle of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS the to be found in Burlinston Is at Ltmax's. All doubt will be removed upon examination ofth extensive noes.

Call and See. 1862. dawtf HI ENVELOPES-This dsy reoeivsd HUNTINGTON'S Sept 6,1862. TAX LAW. ANEW lupply.this day received at HUNTINI HUNTINGTON'S.

Aug. 8, 1862. ATTENTION CAVALRY! ORDERS hsve been reouived from the War Department to raise a sauadron to loin the lit Vermont uavairv Jtesimsnt now in tbe Held. Ona Company to alreaJy raited, and the 2d will be re- era ted at once. 100 men wanted Immediately.

Tkm lMMaa satlll lam, aMsviwtjamaul tt wwasapwaaaj whs usw wwaasarwawai ra wtMsss aajnTie) rseraited from all parts of the Bute; none but the boh aoie souiea men receives. Apply by letter or In person to JOHN W. WOODWARD, Rtcruiting Office, Headqusrters, Burlington, VU Sept Uth. dawtf RALH0RAL SKIRTS. WHITE FLANNEL, OPERA FLANNEL HEA VY RED, WHITE, BLUE AND ORAY TWILLED FLANNELS.

AIM Aa aswrtmsnt of FINE CASHMERE WOOLEN TARN la small tkeias, ail colors last rststvsa and for sals by EDWARD BARLOW. oept. is, iBBl..

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