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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 2

The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 2

Burlington, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TKCE i ATrV miJ31H: JfKB8B, 8aTUEDa.X SEPTEMBER 14, V8OT lephutT I Ibtdcothim with their trxUti Utawwd to maw TT tv appUeaarwTl Oo CAXT. AT 8ATUBDAT ETENHT3. KEPT, li TBI DAIXT fBIl PH. ESS at ball put 4 o'clock and contains th. Ultzst To- mupho Nnws to that our reports or an.

new vui Koaton Mark; Washtjtowhi Cobbbs- nnci Locai. and Stats brmxiancx eon- of General News, Ac It is tha Dally ta tha SUto of Vermont 4 will spare no expense or pals to be th. now. Tsi Fan Pans bab a sabots ciacinva.Tiow tbab Xt rAFBX IB HIS BMIO'j A AW tjaBITAIXW) mrnnif fOB ADTSBTIlBBa. Tkkmb mm Dailt ws Psa per month, 70 nerouarter, $2 year, 8, always in ad.

Taneo. Tvn. ecpies, by mail to on. address, for ona mar. ITS.

Fan Pbxss Jo Panrrnia Orrica baabaoa recently enlarged, and Improved by froah addi-tions of newtypa and Improved machinery will bo found equal to any demand upon it. Orders by mail attended, to with promptness and care, and at for' rnrtaa, ib teU you trutt. this wae'L (U out wLicb was bis bead snvX whiea bis tail!" The Englishman la India. RminiamnM of seoMaaa idte awt Ubaraeter' rejom sieaBM iogue oetween a snopman ana a cubwhw about xJaid hanging at the shop door which affords an example of the prominence given to vowels in Scotch discourse as well aa of the national cautiousness Customer (inquiring the material) Oo (Wool?) Shopman'- Ay, oo (yes, wool.) Customer A' oo (all wool?) Shopman Ay, a' oo (Yes, all wool.) i Customer A' as oo? (All same wool?) Shopman Ay, a' ae oo (yes, all the same WOOL) In Jerloho, Sept 12U, by Bev. H.

C. Eates, Mr. J. W. HUton or BurUneton, and 'Jtiss Abbie 8, Bhedd.

of Jerloho. Died. In Wlnooski, Friday evening, Sept. 13th, Ed ward, only ehlld of and FhUiada Dupaw, aged 11 months. Funeral on 8anday at 2 o'olock P.

M. at the house. Printers Wanted. -A 1 TFU TIMES two Rood, COMPOS- J. ITORS.

Situation permanent. Burlington, Sept. 10th. dlw T. NEW BOOK STORE.

rpHK SUBSCRIBER has refitted and refurnished, tnra. a.nd nntiralv remoedled the same, and has inatrnDrnflainiiD naw wiia uw kuvui ui D18 line, anu wiui uivrcnacu iiiihi yiwiuiiig goods and wun unremming personal Miienuoa vu the (DO Wail US Vl UIO IUU11U, UUUDB UiOl -M heretofore received, a due share of public patron. as he has age. frompt attention' given an oraers ior vrmAa in nnr line not on hand: no extra ckarac for OroerulEJ B.ooub itvui duiuiu ur now call and see tne new otore. Sept, 14th, 1867.

1 8, HTJMTINGTOH. WANTED. A 8ITUATION to do house wort, by "a girl who A. understands plain oooking, washing and iron- in JSnquire at mis ooo ept. 14 dlt CITI HALL, Two Nights FMDAY 4- SATURDAY, EVENINGS, September .13 and 14.

SMITH'S, latel "IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE I From the Academy of ifliusic, riew iforx. THB WONDER ot a UFE-TIME. The only tru MORAL EXHIBITIO of the age. This Troupe consists of tne most unique ana Wonderful 4 VUUJUIdW) MAGICIANS, BALANCERS. ATHLETES.

GYMNASTS, and Cf, MUSICIANS, FromJeddo. Japan, (be ing the first private citizens ever permitted to to leave the Empire), will appear initneir MARVELOUo AND ASTOUNDINO PESATS, such as have never before been witnessed outside the dominions -of His Highness, the Tycoon of Japan. These Artists MAN-KEE-CHK, ETE-EE-NOS-KEE, ETRU-KEE-CHEE, FOO-KU-MAT8, TOO-EU-HAY, EYE-I8-KEE, i tl and Celebrated Wonder, the Original LITTLE ALL RIGHT rravA bn 'nn irasred and brousht to this country, under a contract with the Japanese Government, at an expense and risk Barpasains all and whereever they have appeared hundreds have been nightly turned away, tertainmentB; I3r'20O Years in Advance of Anything Ever seen And the Grandest Enterprise in the History of xsauons. p-This is an entire Japanese Entertainment R1NG-KEE-CHEE, Better known as "Little All Right," will positive ly appear at each entertainment. Admission 61) cents Childrea under 12 years 25 cents Reserved Seats 75 cents.

(JUAN MAI INEE, Saturday Alter noon, fer the accommodation of 'y SOIIOOLS AND Admission, afternoon 60 cts Children 26 Ota to all parts ef the house. NOTICE. XTOTICB ii' hereby given that ppUoaUon will i i nvf. RAatlnn AfrhA ianarftl A aw uiauv ew vuw a UK a Varmnnt. Vm fThaVrtAr iur riiiriwi iium svuiv uuiu wauv-w a .1 A a riLtliuJu vl.a- jn Va VavmAtt UeUtraU laAaTUAO 111 VB9 bUUUvY UI VlUfcWaJ' Ko1am an fA AAftltll ith t.flA KATinlnP.

ton tad Rutland Railroad, and any other Railroad il running into rvuuanu. Bepc 3d, iuo7 uow NOTICK. NOTICE isherebv given that application will ha made at the next session of the General Assembly of the Stete of Vermont, for the charter for a railroad from some point in the Cit ity oruur- UnetoD Tunninir North throneJi the Counties of Frlnklin and Grand Isles, or either of them, to some point in the Town or aidutku or men gate, August, 23th, 1867, sep2dltw4w italfor fctsh on the law, and did octrjttiiioptod. The hiw is eemu ijt stands, and wooll bare been made no score so bw Mifr 11 ft rxrtv ifjoe. The ecsej of the Oonrentica, on that and other point will commend list to the approval of the party tbxoaghoat the country A New Remedy Propoae4 The New York Herald always considers i tself equal, to any emergency in public af fairs.

It sees a way for President Johnson out of bis present and prospective troubles and into the Presidential chair for the next term. That way is for him to rtrigk and take to? stump around the cities as candi date for re-election. By so' doing, the Her ald says, the "radicals" will be broken to pieces, being now held together only by then seal to demolish him, and he will be borne into power by a popular wave that will-be By, all means Jet Andy, John son trv the Herald's ureecriprion. Here il The reaction whieh is advancing is not nor Rennblican. It is the great com mon sense of the people springing to save the wreck.

The people have seen the Democratic faction of the North lick the feet of its masters, the Southern rebels, and have seen it die with the rebellion. They have seen the radicals stripping instead of repairing the wreck, and now they cry "to the rescue Well, is it needed; but who will lead? If Andrew Johnson, cutting himself aloof from all those tram, mela anil oorruDtione that wall in the Presiden cy, will resign, throw himself into the arms of the people ana neaa tne movement, restored to his Dosition by an overwhelming vote at the next election. If, however, he; hes- itiitpn- remains as the binding force of the ical party; enables tham te hold their strength until the next eiecuon, men pe ioees au outage ground which a great brain would seise and he diBannears to Kive niace to a more maw terly directed with clearer vision ana firmer nerve.i Juei me rresiuwii. rrawu, u(. tmvelinff throuzhout every State In the Union, demand that the people rise to the overthrow of the nartv that would upset the government and deliver it over, first to ignorance and the negro, then to anarchy, and finally to a rigid military 5 'J- SOCTHEKH VlBWS Of THX DllfOCBATIO PAR; tt.

-The Charlotte Va.i Chronicle has no faith in help from the Democracy It says "The war is not ended while this organization. keeps up a desultory fight. It is within the range of possibility that the north is going to give power to the Democratic party, which professes to be the special champion of the couth, waicn was at heart opposed to the which aims to undo all that the North is so proud of having done in the past six years? one can convince us that the Northern people love the couth bet ter than themselves, then we can see why they should hand over the Government to men like Vallandigham and Ben. Wood and Pendleton The thing is nonsense on its All that we can expect of the North is to mitigate its polioy, not to reverse it. But while that policy is actively assailed by a compact organization lik the Democratic we shall neither get mitigation nor reversal.

Did the opposition and the vetoes of President Johnson arrest or stimulate the anger of Congress? Did the interference of the President and the Attorney General in June last with the military commanders help matters, or bring on a July session of Congress and a more stringent military bill And while Congress may not tighten the reins again, it is cer tain that it will not relax them while the President or the Democracy is keeping up the attack on them." Thb Public Debt of the United States, SepC'let: a Debt bearing currency interest, per bonds, $198,431,350 six per cent bonds of 1867-681 $14,869,791 80 6 per bonds ot 1881, $283,676,100 6 per cent. 5-20 bonds. $1 .205,710,500 navv pension fund, $13,000,000. Total, 687,741 80. Debt bearing currency interest, per cent, bonds, $16,346,000 three-year compound interest $91,512,330 three, year seven-thirty notes; $400,786,025.

To tal. Matured debt not pre sented for pavment Compound interest notes matured June ibtn, luiy lotn, ana August 15th, 1867, $12 672,730 Bonds of Texas indemnity, $263,000 Treasury notes, acts ot July 17th, 18bl, and prior thereto, $lbo 311 t4 bonds of April loth, lb, $64,768 68 Treasury notes March 3d, 1863, $959,380 temporary loan, 185 55 ceitificates of indebtedness, 000. Total, $19,440,375 87. Debt bearing no interest United States $365,164,844 fractional currency 97 gold certificates of deposit $15,462,700 total, $410,019,716 97. Total debt, $2,653,792,189 64.

Amount in the Treasury Coin, 263,020 currency, $47,073,074 59 total $148,330,094 Amount of debt, Jess cash in tne Treasury, The foregoing is a correct statement ot tbe public deft as appears irom the; books and Treasurer returns in tbe Department on tbe 1st of September, 1808. iircn McurjiiocH, Sec'y of Treasury. Seeing thb An elephant deal er, by name Buxoo, traveled from Sylhet to northern India, witn a string ot elepnante tor sale, at the great mela, or annual lair. Buxoo soon found customers for five out of six of his animals. Tbe sixth, for some rea sons best known to Buxos remained unsold.

The last and greatest day of the fair came. and our merchant was in a etateof the ut most anxiety lest he should have this one elephant left upon bis hands. At the mo ment when tbo fair became busy, op walked a villager, who began a close investigation ol the elephant." Buxoo became more than ever uneasy. 'boono cbai," said he that is, "listen my brother." I can see you are a lodge of elephants. Now, say nothing to hinder the sale 01 mine 1 mean to asx omy nve nun dred 'i rupees, and yon shall have fifty for a ilti Xbe villager aesentea.

rreeenHy purchaser was found, and the fifty rupees hon estly naid over to this "judge ot As he Was quiotly patting the fifty rupees into the folds of his cummerbund or waist- cloth Buxoo nut tbe following question "Tell me. friend, by what art jou found out that there was anything amiss with my PHILADELPHIA, chartered by the State ot Pennsylvania, and Orcanisea in aia or BIVBESIDK INSTITUTE fob snvcAvrjia oaATcrrorsLT Soldiers and Sailors Orphans, Ineorp orated by tbe State of New Jersey, n'AHRIiv etb.iwr. Snbscription one. Dollar. Tne Washington Library Company B7 VIRTUE OP THEIR CHARTER, ACOC UAra OOORDAKCE WITH ITS PROVISION wlUdlstilbate THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAES IN PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, Oa VS'ednesday sept.

OS, 'C7 vt- AT PHILADELPHIA, FA, Or at the Riverside, N. 'J'- ONE PRESENT' WORTli ONE PR ESENT WORTH. ONE PRESENT WORTH1 1 lO.OOO. ONE PRESENT WORTH Two Presents Worth $2500 each, Hi II tZdf1l And many other large presents, the whole amount- 300,000. For full schedule of Pretents, see olrculars, seat frea on application.

uenincaw ui. eiu la accompanied with a I i fi it ft Beautiful Steel-Plate Engravirig, WORTH MORE AT RETAIL TAU THE COST ur and also insure to the holder a -PRESENT IN TJTE GREAT DI8TIBUTI0N. 0 Subscription One Dollar. Any PeVsonsendins us ONE DOLLAR, or vavlnc tne same to our looai Agents, win receive unrneai-ately a fine Steel Plate Enzravlnz. at choice from the following list, and One Certifieate of Stock, lnsunns une rresent in th.

uuca.t umriujiu TION. VSiS NaAA.VXNQ8. No. Child Mv Child No.2-"Thevre Saved 1 They're Saved No. 3.

"Old Seventy- six 1 or, tne joany uays oi tne tvevoiution.7 Abv person nayine TWO DOLLARS will receive either of the following fine Steel Plates, at choice, ana 'i-wo ieruneaies oi biock, tnus peooaung en- tltiea rreeems. TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS i No. 1. "Washington's Courtshio." No. 2.

"Washington's last interview with bis Mother. THREE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. erson paying THREE DOLLARS will re- oeive oeauurui bteei riate oi "HOME FROM THE 4WAR, and Three Certificates of Stock, becoming entitled to Three rresents. FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paylns FOUR DOLLARS shall re ceive tbe large ana beautum Steel Plat.

of. THE PERILS OF OUR FOREFATHERS." and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them to tour rresents. i FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Anv nerson who navs FIVE DOLLARS shall r. ceivea the large ana spienaia Bteei riate or "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS, and Five Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Five Presents.

The Engravings and Certificates will be delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agen cies, or sent by mau, post paia, or express, as may do oraorea. BOW TO OBTAIN SHARES AND KX- CRAVINGS. Send orders to us bv mail, from il to $20, either by Poet Office orders or la a registered letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should sent by ara or express. 10 shares with Engravings 9 GO 25 shares with ....23 50 50 shares with .......46 60 75 shares with .......69 oo 100 shares with ........90 00 i t-' iJ Local AGENTS WANTED throughout the U.

States. THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE. Situate at Riverside. Burlineton County. New Jer sev.

is founded for the Durnose of irratuitouslr ed ucating the sons of deoeased Soldiers and Seamen of the United States. The Board of Trustees consists of th. following well-known citisens of Pennsylvania and New Jer sey. 4 HON. WILLIAM B.

MANN, Distrtct Attorney. HOW. LEWI8 R. bboohaL x-Chier comer u. b.

Hint, ana liecoraer i ieeaa PhiiMeiohia. fa. HON. JAMES M. SCOVELL, New Jersey, HON.

W. W. WARE. New Jersey. HENRY GORMAN, Aeent Adams, Exttress.

Philadelphia. Pa. j. ui. we, vi oy, ioe rnuaaeipma.

a naniunr ajiLrststiai biht. m.vmaiuiviM. mw- apru tx, iwj7. umc. or internal nevenue nav ing roceived sauslaotory evidences that th.

pro ceeds or the enterprise conducted by tne Washlng- ton Library Company will be devoted to eharitab. ne n- uses, permission is herepy granted to said Com- pany to oonduot such enternrise exemst from all charge, whether from special tax or other duty. I 1 E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner.

Th. Association have appointed as Receivers, Messrs. GEORfeK A. COOKE 33 South Third 8treet, Philadelphia, whose well known (integrity and business experience will be a sufficient guarantee-that the -money intrusted to theoi will be promptly applied to th. purpose stated, 1867.

To the bjfieers and Members tf tkt ffatktngton 14 brary If, 8. READ, Secretary. i i ft i. a 'rj i Gentlemen i On receipt of your favor of th. 16th notifying us of our appointment as Receivers for your Company, we took the liberty to submit a copy of your Charter, with a plan of your enterprise to eminent legal authority, and having received his favorable opinio, in regard to its le gality, ana sympatnismg witn vne uiunui.u Vu-Jeet ot your Association, vis: th.

education and lualntenanoe ot tbe orphan children of oar soldiers and sailors or the Riverside Institute we have eon-eluded to accept the trust, and to us our best ef forts to promote so wormy an oujecw Respectfully, yours. GEO, A. COOKE A CO. Address all IstUrs and orderi to aien. a nnnKR Ms Bankers.

33 South Third States, PhiladalpbU, Pa, Beeelvers rer th. Washington juiorary yo. Aug. 6, U67. daodsVwSn.

-m i Aiourth. dlUkwfW MB. VAN NOaMAN-S CH XbJOT.7 te yoT xata no. a wen atMA mnm. New York, re-opens BepU 26th.

For foU lnmnna- uoBsae tinmiari. aqotom V. a Kev. if. V.

VAri bo au I MK8. J. T. BENEDICT, Sept. 6.

1867. dlmAwIy. IfOTlCB TEA TED from the enclosure of tha undersigned i mi luf r.wth nlt. three year old PflW nliwlv tnrmmA Mnlnr md tth Whit belly lone switch tall, horns evenly turned. In formation of, or the return of said animal io me will be suitably rewarded.

im won A. AMUWM. Burlington, Sept. 4, 1867. dAwtt PINE APPLB CHMCSBt TTORBALE.

at TENNANT ELDREDGE'S. PIXH7R I. J1VOUR ITfEhaveon hand a few barrels, or tne very IT bait flour. WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, at TKNNAMT ft ELDREDGE'S. SUGAR FBU.RS SUGAR PEARS 1 1 EVERAL barrels of pears for preserving: just re ceived ana lor saie caeap ft EXDREDeWS.

9 Main Burllnjrton DECIDKDLY COOLu Every one Should Drink- the Famous rUssingrexi Water v7a i AND BE HAPPY-1 -Nothing better ftrfa V.H THROUGH THE SUMMER MONTHS Moderate use of the water will prevent alLjBo! it vompiamw. j.a 3vJ. -FOB 8AL.K FROM TUB V1 A VINCENT TAFT. Parties from abroad ean procure the Case or Gallon, at lair rates. Every Article in our Line Warranted as Represented.

lt W. 8. VINCENT, M. F.L.TAFT. ff ft Scois anil tattonirs 'f 4- 4 1 '-2." DIARIES FOR 186S.

JECEIVED and for sale at HUNTINGTONnj Sept. 10,1867 ORMTnOLOGr AND OOLOGY ENGLAND, NEW containing full descriptions of the birds of New England and adjoining States and provinces, a complete History oi weir nanus, wnu many illustrations and; accurate figures of For sale at Bent. 11, 136 nt JTKW BOOKt BTJI.LETIX. "CRITICAL AND SOCIAL ESSAYS," reprinted for the riew ore nation. THE JOURNAL OF MAURICE DE GUERIN" "THE MAN WITH THE BROKEN EAR." Trans lated from the French of jsdmuna About, "FATHERS B0N8" A novel translated from the Rusian, by Eugene Schuyler, Ph.

l. "THE HUGSENOT GALLEY-SLAVE" being the AutiblosTaphy of a French Pretestant Condemned to the Galleys for the sake of his Religion. "CO-OPERATIVE STORES" their History Organism and management Based on the recent German ork of Eugene Riteher. "KING RENE'S DAUGHTER," a Danish Lyrical Drama. "A ROMANCE OF THE by Maria "THE LAND OF TH0R-hy J.

Ross Brownel' 'A DAY OF DOOM" by Jean Ingelow, JACQUES BONNEVAL, or. the Day of the Dragonnades. 5 "CHRISTIANHY AND CONFLICTS-by "CULTURE DEMANDED BY MODERN LIFE" NEIGHBOR'S WIVES" oy Trowbridge. "ARTEMU8 WARD IN LONDON" 'LIBER LIBRORUM." IU structure LimlUtion and purpose. A 5 Fnenoiy Communica won to a Reluctant EceptiQ, For sale by, ausl E.

A. NEW BOOKS DANTE'S DIVINE COMEDY translated by Henry W. Longfellow, complete, 8 A STORY OF DOOM, and other Poems by Jean Ingelow. A ROMANCE OF THE REPUBLIC by Maria Child. WOOL GATHERING by Gail Hamilton.

AN ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY by Dr. Hayes, new edition. ,.,4 THE SAYINGS OF DR. BUSH WHACKER, and other learned men by Fred, S. Cossens.

1 THJ? LIFE AND DEATH OF JASON a Poem by William Morris. THE HOUSEHOLD OF SIR THOMAS MOORE by the author ol Mary Powell. JACQUES BONNEVAL, or toe Days of the Drag- onnades oy tne author or nary roweu. RANDOLPH GORDON, and other Stories by "Ouida." a'- ALEX. FORBES OF HOWGLEN a novel by Geo Mac Donald.

EUGENE ARAM by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, itarc, ttione juuuon. ti PICKWICK PAPERS the Charles Dickens Edi tlon. Received by rS -r C. 0. FRENCH A CO.

aug3dtf Hums Building. 80,000 COPIES SOLD Is'ai OF THE-" JUBIsLArE, A Collection of SACRED MUSIC for Choirs. Sine. IngBchools, Musical Conventions. by L.O.

EMBBson, Autnor or "iiarp or juaan," uoiaen wreath," "Aierry vmmes," c. r- The Best Book fer Choirs. The Best Book for Schools. -J The Best Book tor Societies. The Best Book for Conventions.

The Best Book for Practice. The Best Book for Social Singing. The Best Book lor ramllles -The Best Book for all Singer, 1 Suited to All Denominations All Occasions AU Capacities. IN ITS SINGING SCHOOLS EXERCISES. IN ITS GLEES, PART-SONGS, IN ITS ANTHEMS AN!) SENTENCES.

IN ITS CHANTS AND SELECTIONS. IN ITS VARIETY OF HYMN TUNES. Priee ft .38. Seat post-paid. OLIVER D1T80N A CO, Publishers, 271 Waahinjiton Utreet, Boston.

Il i 4 UNION BLOCK. 1 1 S3 .14 hi 1 i. y.rjt J. UW i Jut fc ft i i 1.A 'READ! RBADI ROAD! f-J? w-? 5 i.r-A 1 -A v--. I'li la Jiocu CorcU, tT't'l 7 75 CNXS A PAIR, 1 it, rt, i A i Dress Ooods Dress Goods 1 I- 'v jk.

v. AT 1 SUCH PRICES Mi I il AS WILL i Si. i 'X 1 a f. i I'll. 4 Com aad Bee and Jadge for: Youret(k oeo.

Te oniira, A 'Hi 7 the lowest Urine srleea. Remonstrance. Tt.nMm of Era toot mother did not well She laid the apple 1b you father's hand, Ar. have read. wonder what befel fhe man was not deceived, nor yet could stand TTa iinm to loss, for lore of her.

his throne With her could bat could not lire alone. tV- Daughter of Eve i he did not fall ao low, Nor fall so frr, aa that sweet woman fell For something better than as gods to know, That husband in that home left oft to dwell For this, till love be reckoned lees than Shall man be first and beet forevermore. Daughters of Eve it watt for your dear sake The world' first i hero died an nnorown'd king '-Jv .1 But God's great pity, touched the grand mis. take'" 'V And made bis married love a sacred thing yet his nobler tons, if aught be true. Find the JEdea in their kye for youv 4 .1 II JP i'tl it JASL Massacbcsetts Bkptoucax StatiConvbn-' tios.

The i of the Old Bay State held their- Convention at Worcesitflr xiiTw edncada 0 vey fourteen hundred were in aid presided. VredictioM, had tTbeeA abundant 'that tbe -People's Liberty is the title of the rumsellers, aseociation of Maesachnsetts would lorce an "issue in the convention on the liquor ques tion'; Gov. Bullockould be dropped, and i-Gov. Andrew be nominated for Gov-r ernor as a reward for his advocacy of the li cense law (in addition to bis tee of $12,575) and that il this or something equivalent was not done, the P. would the bolt the i ticket and -join the Pemocrata.

The result did not exactly bear out these predictions. The1 Upnyen'tion: renominated Gdv. Bollock by an; immense majority, he f'-'; 'f''rni a i lino Jpe caving woo vum uui ui iio, auu rououi- inated the rest of the ticket of last year with entire unanimity. -A resolution dis claiming all responnbility on the part of the part of the party, tor the enactment ana re-t tention of prohibitory law iwas intro- duced and referred to the committee on resolutions, who reported "that aa; the Repub- lican party has never as a party made attest of opinion on State legislation respecting the 'sale of liquors, it is not expedient to-i pass any resolution on that, subject in this Con-vention." There was Borne objection to the adoption of this report on the part of both the extreme advocates and opponents of the prohibitory law. The report was supported by Richard II; Dana, and Rev.

Air Thompson, whoswdjQ a'ij JL, 1 I heartily endorse, the remarks made by the Dana, Jr. It is known that the law of 1852 was passed by the Coalition party of Free Soilers and Democrats', and the law; of 1855 was passed by the American party It got every vote in the House but five or six and every vote in the Senate. And so strong has been the feeling in favor of it that it has stood ever since, and is going to stand as long as you do." i The Republican party never passed the liquor law; we did not ask them to do it. The temperance people of this Etate can take care of themselves. (Applause.) I am opposed to the interference of anybody with the Republican party, Matters are too serious at Washington to let any side if sue be introduced here.

Nor need we sink the temperance cause to save the Republican party. The report of the committee I think wise and judicious, and I hope will be adopted." tTte report was then adopted with very few opposing The resolutions adopted declare that An drew Johnson's flagrant abuse Of bia powers and resistance to the will of the people make -it imperative to employ every constitutional v-. means to curb him and, deprive him of the power of harm and. pledge the support of to Congress in all measures 'they may adopt for that end, even, if neces--Eary, to impeachment return td i Congress, the i military commanders' and the 'freedmen, and approve the administration of -Gov. Bullock.

With a speech from Senator Wilson, who in reply to predictions that the State might be lost to the Republicans, that they might as well talk of losing Vermont, and tb at the Republicans- would carry all the of the Union next year. for the nom wee for President, the Convention ad journed. 'K The action of the Republicans' of: Massa chusetts eeema to us tor have been eminently judicious on all points. Of coarse those who would have been glad to see a definite adoption of a prohibitory-law plank in the party platform, were not exactly suited mneh less were the hi L. who came.

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